The Top 100 Doctors has been carefully selected to represent those physicians who exceed all expectations.

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Choosing the Top Doctors is a difficult task. With over 1,000,000 practicing doctors and physicians in the United States, competition to the best recognized as a Top 100 Doctor and/or the best hospital is a constant struggle. The moment a new medical procedure or medicine is approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), or the medical boards approve a new procedure, the Doctors at the top of list could easily find themselves at the bottom. Because the list has the potential to change so frequently, we urge you to continually check this site for updates on the physician rankings and the hospital rankings. We try to be fair and complete in our analysis, however no system is perfect. Always check independent resources.

In deciding who the better physician is, it would seem logical on its face to decide that a Doctor is better than his piers based purely on mortality rate. However, there are several apparent flaws in this line if thinking. To begin with, one physician may take more difficult cases than another, or perhaps one specializes in procedures on healthier patients while the other has focused his practice on more desperate cases; which are, by their very nature, substantially more difficult and far more risky.

Choosing the best doctors even within the same practice is also difficult. Let’s take oncologists for example. Oncologists treat cancer patients. So when we try to evaluate which doctors are better than the other solely in the field of oncology, we need to compare oncologists who specialize in the same types of cancers as the other doctors. However, a careful analysis will also show us that not all cancers are the same. Additionally, not all patients are similarly situated. For example, an Oncologist treating a particular type of cancer in a young, otherwise healthy individuals could not be fairly compared to an Oncologist who treats elderly or geriatric patients.

One of the most interesting set of factors to look at when reviewing or comparing a physician’s ability falls within a true comparison in regard to a patient’s prognosis. How each doctor deals with each similarly situated patient will propel on doctor ahead of another. However, there are many factors affect that will affect a person’s prognosis if they have cancer or other ailments. Among the most important factors to consider are the type and location of the cancer, the stage of the disease (the extent to which the cancer has metastasized, or spread), and its grade (how abnormal the cancer cells look and how quickly the cancer is likely to grow and spread).
Additionally, for hematologic cancers (the cancers of the blood or bone marrow), for example cancers such as leukemias and/or lymphomas, the presence of chromosomal abnormalities and other abnormalities in the patient’s complete blood count (CBC) can greatly affect a person’s prognosis. Other factors that may also affect the prognosis include the person’s age, general health, response to treatment, and the patient’s individual genetic makeup. Also, some patients are more susceptible to certain treatments than others. Ultimately, no two patients are exactly alike, and treatment and patients responses to treatment vary greatly among each patient.
Upon further analysis, when a patient decides to go for treatment also has a propounding effect on prognosis and certainly is a substantial factor is a doctor’s ability to control or eradicate the cancer. For example, statistics show that woman are more likely to go for treatment than men. Additionally, the higher the education level or the patient, the more likely that patient will undergo the tests necessary to determine if an illness exists. Without doubt, the ability to finance the tests and procedures as well as the likelihood that the patient will have medical coverage is also substantial factors in determining the patient’s ability to fend off cancer or any other ailment.

In conclusion, it seems almost impossible to be able to single out who is the better physician than his peers. On the other hand, it is easier to coral physicians into groups which handle similarly situated patients over the course of time, and then isolate the groups into the niches that make the medical world a better place. Without doubt, there are a few doctors who push medicine to the edge. They are the physicians who change medicine for the better and bring us new techniques and procedures. It is to them that we all our gratitude and respect. It is those physicians that I hope to bring to you here. Not just the Oncologist, but the top 100 Oncologists who consistently go above and the rest of the doctors. The top doctors who take the cases that most doctors would be afraid of, and the more difficult patients with complications above imagination. There are hundreds of thousands of Doctors that play it safe and fall into the routine of practicing medicine; and then there are the Top 100 Doctors, the real heroes who we read about here.

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  1. admin

    very good information

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